Ini adalah efek nyata dari game ke jari, tangan, Fisik dan badan agan2 semua mengalami pengerusakan. |
CASE #1 Xbox Hypertrophy Spoiler for klik: ![]() The inconsistent geometry of hands affected by the psychopathology of gaming. Onset of symptoms generally occurs in adolescence or early adulthood. Swollen extremities, the visible manifestation of an abnormal increase in the volume of tissue due to the enlargement of its component cells. Movements divorced from affect and physiology alike. Muscle strains caused by forceful movements. A new body configuration produced by repetitive strain injury. Xbox Hypertrophy is a destructive form of arthritis which destroys the small joints in the hands and can lead to permanent disability and loss of hand function. Often confused with Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a condition in which the affected person is excessively concerned about and preoccupied by a perceived defect in his or her physical features, Xbox Hypertrophy is a certified pathology that causes both physical and psychological distress that impairs occupational and/or social functioning, sometimes to the point of severe depression and anxiety, development of other anxiety disorders, social withdrawal or complete social isolation. It is estimated that 3–5% of the world’s population meet all the diagnostic criteria for Xbox Hypertrophy. Widespread in the United States and in the United Kingdom, this pathology is rarer in Japan. |
CASE #2 3D Optical Disorder Spoiler for klik: ![]() An unnatural twitch of the eye, one of the symptoms of a severely burned retina. An entire generation of users, raised on 3D games, is now permanently blind, as it was recently discovered that three-dimensional display technology has corrosive effects on the eye. Extreme photosensitivity precedes permanent loss of sight. Symptoms include sudden permanent blindness, but may occur more slowly over several days, weeks or months, dilated pupils, and loss of the pupillary light reflex. Other symptoms commonly seen include increased water consumption and urination, weight gain, confusion, restlessness, behavioral changes and lethargy. These symptoms may develop over a few months preceding the onset of 3DOD. Endocrine often shows elevations in adrenal sex hormones. Examination with an ophthalmoscope will initially show no changes, but in a few months atrophy of the retina will resemble the appearance of progressive retinal atrophy. Pathologically, there is a loss of the rod and cone cells followed by degeneration of other layers of the retina. The retinal degeneration appears to be related to apoptosis of these cells. Unfortunately, forced deprivation to three-dimensional images has not led to an increase in sight or general health. |
CASE #3 Playstation Thumb Spoiler for klik: ![]() Early research conducted in the 1990s indicates that a significant amount of female subjects affected by the PlayStation Thumb are having more pleasurable orgasms. The deformed finger is used by some as an organic dildo. The peculiar shape of the finger makes it apparently easier to reach the g-spot. The repeated movements – hysterical, frenzied fidgeting – is particularly common after consumption of alcohol beverages, which may suggest a correlation. |
CASE #4 WiiMote Shoulder Dislocation Spoiler for klik: ![]() Woman deliberately exposing her wound reveal her mounting sense of disembodiment as if her limbs and musculature merely establish the residential context of the body. The terminal zone of interaction signals the body’s failure, its inability to cope and upgrade, keep up with demanding physical requirements. |
CASE #5 WASD Syndrome Spoiler for klik: ![]() Albeit not irreversible, the condition is critical as the tendons in the fingers are visibly damaged and their functioning severely impaired. The impossibility of bending several fingertips can cause acute pain in the subject. Such condition is the result of a prolonged, repetitive fingers’ pressure on four specific keys, W-A-S-D, hence WASD Syndrome. |
CASE #6 FPS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Spoiler for klik: ![]() FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (FPS CTS) A pathophysiology that affects millions of gamers that engage in first-person shooting activities, FPS CTS is caused mainly by repetitive motions, most famously from long hours of computer keyboard use. It results in a compression of the carpal tunnel, permanent nerve damage, and weakness of palmar abduction. Patients with CTS experience burning sensations in the thumb and fingers, particularly the index, middle fingers, and radial half of the ring fingers which are innervated by the median nerve. Also reported is sharp pain in the arm and shoulder. If not treated on time, this condition can degenerate quickly. Tumors such as a ganglion or a lipoma protrude into the carpal tunnel, leading to numbness and atrophy in the wrist. Due to the severity of this condition, amputation is currently the only effective therapy. |
CASE #7 Nintendo Arthritis Spoiler for klik: ![]() First discovered in the early 1990s, this condition is currently incurable. Unsavory physical routines lead to crippled joints and cancerous calluses. In some cases, clavi formed by the accumulation of dead skin, will appear on the dorsal surface of fingers but also on the palmar surface. Such formations cannot be surgically removed as they become intertwined with key nerves. |
CASE #8 Atari Skinning Spoiler for klik: ![]() Abnormalities on palms and fingers. Calluses. Protuberances. Bleeding fingers. Nail diseases spotted, including an iterative form of onychia, a severe inflammation of the nail folds with formation of pus and shedding of the nail, resulting from the introduction of microscopic pathogens through small wounds. Infections caused by bacteria living in the interstitials spaces of game controllers. |
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