Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

The Seed Cathedral di Shanghai Expo !! Keren Banget Gan !! (+pic)


If you thought Miguelin, the giant baby at the Spanish pavilion was awesome, than the British pavilion’s Seed Cathedral will blow your mind.

By far the most popular structure, at the Shanghai Expo 2010, even before it was officially opened, the Seed Cathedral is a six storey high cube-shaped structure, pierced by 60,000 thin acrylic rods. Each 7.5 meter long rod sways at the slightest wind movement, adding the dramatic effect of the design.

Just like fiber optics, the acrylic rods draw in the light from the outside, and illuminate the inside. At night, the artificial light, on the inside, is projected to the outside, making the Seed Cathedral glow.

But Britain’s awe-inspiring building isn’t called Seed Cathedral, for no reason. On the inside, each rod has one or more seeds encased in it. Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, this architectural wonder has already won the hearts of its visitors, who have nicknamed it “The Dandelion”.

Quote:Jika Anda berpikir Miguelin, bayi raksasa di paviliun Spanyol itu luar biasa, maka The British Pavilion's Seed Cathedral akan membuyarkan pikiran Anda.

Sejauh ini, struktur yang paling populer, di Shanghai Expo 2010, bahkan sebelum dibuka secara resmi, The Seed Cathedral adalah struktur enam lantai berbentuk kubus, terdapat 60.000 batang akrilik tipis. Setiap bergoyang batang 7,5 meter, akan bergerak jika terkena angin sedikit saja, menambahkan efek dramatis desain.

Sama seperti serat optik, batang akrilik menarik dalam cahaya dari luar, dan menerangi bagian dalam. Pada malam hari, lampu buatan, di dalam, diproyeksikan ke luar, membuat cahaya Benih Katedral.

Tetapi bangunan benih yang menakjubkan ini tidak disebut Seed Cathedral, tanpa alasan. Di dalam, tongkat masing-masing memiliki satu biji atau lebih terbungkus di dalamnya. Dirancang oleh Thomas Heatherwick, keajaiban arsitektur ini telah memenangkan hati para pengunjung, yang dijuluki "Dandelion" itu.

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